Make Time For Your Teeth It’s a busy world, and time is of the essence. It’s easy to consider skipping your dental cleaning if you haven’t noticed any discomfort or changes to your smile. The dentist’s office may not be high on your list of exciting outings, but research shows that regular dental visits result […]
Dental Crowns [Types, Purpose, & More]
If you have a broken or largely decayed tooth your dentist may recommend getting a dental crown. But what is a dental crown? What does a dental crown do? How do you know it’s the right treatment option for you? At Otara Dental we’re well versed in everything related to dental crowns. Here’s everything you […]
Is the Mercury in Amalgam Fillings Dangerous?
During a dental exam, your dentist may find a cavity or two that needs filling. When you need your cavity filled, materials such as dental amalgam can be used. Some question amalgam’s safety, however, this is due to the mercury inside despite its many decade-long use. If you need a cavity filled, are there potential […]