Your dentist plays a vital role in protecting your oral health, including your teeth and gums. These services are essential whether you need a dental exam or a root canal. Like most services, dental care has a cost, and these fees can change with time. The 2023 Alberta Dental Fee Guide launched on January 1, […]
Jaw Pain and Headaches: How Botox Can Help
Suffering from jaw pain and headaches can make it nearly impossible to get through simple daily tasks like eating or talking. If you experience frequent jaw pain and headaches, finding long-term relief may start at your dentist’s office. In some cases, neuromodulator injections can be an effective treatment for headaches and jaw joint disorders that […]
Can I Chew Gum with Invisalign? Invisalign Do’s & Don’ts
Take you Invisalign clear aligners out before eating or drinking anything other than water, this includes chewing gum. The dentists at Otara Dental in St. Albert recommend to NOT chew gum with Invisalign. […]