A deep cavity, if untreated, may lead to a dental abscess. If that dental abscess still isn’t treated, it can become very painful. In severe cases that are left untreated, an abscess or infection on an upper tooth can travel to the sinus or brain. For a lower tooth, the infection can travel down and constrict the airway.
In most cases, the best way to treat a deep cavity and prevent an abscess is by performing a root canal and finishing the tooth with a crown.
Deep cavities and dental infections have the potential to be fatal if they are ignored. Do not put off a root canal. Request your appointment today.
When a tooth has a deep cavity, crack or has been badly damaged, the tissue inside the tooth (called the pulp or nerve) becomes infected. The nerve is removed during the root canal procedure, which prevents the infection from spreading. The inside of the root is cleaned, shaped, filled and sealed with biocompatible materials.
Once a tooth has undergone a root canal, it may be more fragile than it once was, making it prone to cracks. Finishing a root canal with a crown can help strengthen a tooth and prevent it from sustaining further damage.
A crown is a dental device that covers the natural tooth from the top to the gumline. A tooth with a deep cavity or a large filling that requires a root canal will need a crown to protect it from breaking. In most cases, a natural tooth must be reshaped before a crown is cemented over top of it.
Crowns can be made of metal such as gold, porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, and zirconia. The material selected is based on many factors and will be chosen carefully for each specific tooth and patient. Depending on the material they are made from, crowns can sometimes be made to look and feel like a natural tooth.
Located Northeast of Servus Credit Union Place in Campbell Business Park