Why Good Dental Habits Are Important Early On Early Childhood Tooth Decay Infants and children can develop cavities in their baby teeth as soon as the first one sprouts through the gums. If your child develops any sort of decay on their baby teeth before age 6, it is referred to as Early Childhood Tooth […]
7 Signs of Dental Trouble (& When to See Your Dentist)
Tooth sensitivity or the occasional bout of bad breath usually aren’t cause for concern. But, how do you know what’s harmless and what warrants a visit to your dentist? Here are 7 signs of dental trouble, what the cause could be, and when to see your dentist. Bleeding, Swollen, or Tender Gums We’ve all been […]
How Does Poor Oral Health Affect the Rest of Our Body?
Taking care of your teeth and gums is not only important for your oral health, but your overall health, too. Poor oral health can have a number of consequences that aren’t just limited to your teeth and gums. When it comes to ensuring your overall health, it’s important to maintain the health of your mouth. […]